- Look at your left and you will see what I am talking about. ... The other left.
- Oh right. It is confusing I have to say.
- What is confusing
- The fact that there are two lefts. If there is the left and another left, they you have to admit that it is quite confusing to figure out which left you are referring to. Wouldn't you agree?
- ...
- How about instead of saying left and other left we say one side is left, and then name the other side something completely different?
- Right?
- We just need to come up with a name for the other left and that problem will be solved.
- Right?
- I'm glad you agree and appreciate my idea. Now how could we label the other left?
- We should call it right.
- Yeah I agree we need to find the right name for it, something that will stick, and be easy to remember. May be something like polunyx. Left and polunyx. Hum.
- How about we call it right, cause that sounds right, right?
- You mean it would be left and right. That does sound right, you're right.
- So now I can tell you to look to your right and you'll know where to look this time.
- Right.
- The other right you moron!
- Wait what?